Yongpan Sheng (盛泳潘 in Chinese)
College of Computer and Information ScienceSouthwest University
Chongqing, China
Email: shengyp2011(at){163,gmail}(dot)com
Yongpan Sheng currently is a lecturer in College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University (SU). Prior to that, he was a Research Assistant at School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University (CQU) from Sep. 2020 to Aug. 2023. In educationally, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Architecture from the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) on Aug. 2020, under the supervisor of Prof. Zenglin Xu. Before that, he received his Bachelor's Degree in Network Engineering from Chengdu University of Information Technology (CUIT), and Master's Degree in Software Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2011 and 2014, respectively. During his Ph.D. degree pursuing, he joined the Research Practicum Program of University of New South Wales (UNSW), as a joint training Ph.D. candidate working with Prof. Wei Wang from Oct. 2017 to Oct. 2018.
Sheng's interest lies in textual data mining, representation learning for knowledge graphs/graph neural networks, domain-specific knowledge graph construction, knowledge-enhanced LLM, agricultural-aware data mining and computation, food computation, and code understanding and representation. He has worked on a variety of related tasks including knowledge mining based upon open-domain extraction, domain-specific knowledge graph construction from semi-structured and unstructured data, representation learning for temporal knowledge graphs. His recent work also includes a series of novel and effective algorithms developed for open-domain knowledge extraction from texts, and representation learning for graph neural networks.
Sheng has published more than 30 papers in major international conferences including IJCAI, ECML-PKDD, APWeb-WAIM, and journals like Information Sciences, WWW Journal, Cognitive Computation, Applied Intelligence. He has served as an Area Chair for IJCNN (25), a PC member for many venues such as IJCAI (25/24), SDM (24), DASFAA (25/24/23), ECML-PKDD (22), ICONIP (24/22), APWeb-WAIM (24/23/21/20), CCKS (22), CCL (22), ADMA (22), DaMi (22), ICISC (23), and a reviewer for venues such as IJCAI (25/24), ACM MM (24), WWW (25), SDM (24), DASFAA (25/24/23), ICME (25), ECML-PKDD (22), IJCNN (25), ADMA (23), MMM (25), ICONIP (24/22), APWeb-WAIM (25/24/23/22/21/20/19), CCKS (22), CCL (23/22), ADMA (22), DaMi (22), ICISC (23), RSBD (19), CCF-ICAI (18), AAAI (16), CCKS (16), CCPR (16) as well as journals such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Neural Networks, Knowledge-Based Systems, Information Sciences, Information Fusion, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Expert Systems With Applications, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Management, CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, Neurocomputing, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Pattern Recognition Letters, Applied Sciences, Entropy, IEEE Access, Data and Information Management, Journal of Computer Research and Development, Acta Electronica Sinica, etc.
Recent News
- [2025/01/27] CALL FOR PAPER: We are organizing a special issue (opens the new window) on Open-Domain Information Mining: Theories and Applications in the Applied Sciences-Basel Journal. Welcome your submission.
- [2023/12/29] CALL FOR PAPER: We are organizing a special issue (opens the new window) on Entropy-Centric Intelligent Computation With Graph: In Pursuit of Advanced Computational Theories, Methods, and Applications in the Entropy Journal. Welcome your submission.
- [2023/12/11] CALL FOR PAPER: We are organizing a special issue (opens the new window) on Information-Theoretic Guided Methods for Information Network Mining and Its Applications in the Entropy Journal. Welcome your submission.
- [2023/02/15] CALL FOR PAPER: We are organizing a special issue (opens the new window) on New Advances for Open-Domain Information Mining in Theories and Applications in the Applied Sciences-Basel Journal. Welcome your submission.
- [2022/08/03] CALL FOR PAPER: We are organizing a special issue (opens the new window) on Information Network Mining and Applications in the Entropy Journal. Welcome your submission.
- [2020/07/16] I successfully defended my dissertation entitled "Research and Application of Learning Methods for Knowledge Graphs" and will ready to move on a new start.
- [2020/02/08] I am invited as the reviewer of Knowledge-Based Systems.
- [2020/01/15] Our paper about a Multi-document semantic relation extraction system is accepted by WWW Journal.
- [2019/11/17] I am invited to become a Program Committee Member of APWeb-WAIM 2020, many thanks to Prof. Xin Wang.
- [2019/10/12] I am invited to give a talk on our published two papers at the 11st Ph.D. Academic Forum holding by Fudan University (FUDAN), together with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). The invitation letter can be obtained at here and the slides are available here.
Academic Links
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